“Growth starts where your comfort zone ends.” This saying has been playing over and over in my mind recently. You might be able to infer that means that I’ve been a bit uncomfortable lately, and you’d be right. Here’s why I am excited about that.
Let’s start at the beginning. Right about the time I graduated high school, my cousin Tyler, told me he had been fishing Lake Michigan for trout and salmon with a friend of his who had a boat. I had seen chinook salmon wash up along the beach many times as I was growing up along Wisconsin’s lakeshore. I honestly didn’t know anything about the fishery or how many people came to our area to target them. I asked Tyler if his friend ever had extra room in the boat and if I could tag along some time. A few days later I got a call from his friend Ryan, and we ended up fishing a small league tournament being held at The Wharf bait shop in Sheboygan. I ended up catching a medium sized rainbow trout that night, and Tyler and Ryan each caught a chinook.

I was immediately hooked. Ryan and I fished many times together that summer and we fished tournaments in Sheboygan, Hika, and Manitowoc. I learned how to rig gear and met other guys who were also fishing fanatics. In October I decided to call area charter captains and ask if they needed a hand as a mate for the next season. I spent the next two summers bouncing from boat to boat and working for tips with whoever would take me. It was surprising to me how guys could fish so differently for trout and salmon. I gained an incredible amount of knowledge that I would not have been able to get in any other way.

During that same time frame, my dad bought a 16 foot aluminum boat he named the “Miss Alaneous”. On days when I wasn’t running charter fishing trips as a first mate I would go out with my dad or some friends off of a small boat launch in Hika, located half way between Manitowoc and Sheboygan. We had to pick our days carefully because Lake Michigan can get nasty in a hurry, but we slayed some salmon on that small vessel.
After that second summer, I got an unexpected text from a mate on Sea Dog. Alex was planning on taking a different job for the 2009 season and said I should give Captain James Schlegel a call. We discussed a few details and he said he’d like to have me aboard.
My first summer with Sea Dog I split my time with his other first mate, Troy, and I ended the season with around 100 trips as a first mate. I graduated from college the following winter and immediately took the test to become a licensed captain. I filled in for Jim once in a while as I continued to mate over the next few summers while also teaching elementary school full time throughout the school year.
In 2013 I got the news that Jim was buying another boat and that he wanted me to captain it. I was ecstatic to be starting the next chapter in my life! I continued to meet amazing guests primarily from around the midwest but sometimes from further away as well. I loved being a charter fishing captain, and came to appreciate how charter fishing was more than just catching fish. It was building relationships with guests and giving them a memorable experience that would keep them coming back.
With several seasons as a captain under my belt, I started to get antsy. I wanted to own my own business in the worst way. In 2019 I decided to take the year off of charter fishing so I could focus on finding a boat that would suit me and my guests. In August I captained a trip for another business in town and the owner told me that it was for sale. I purchased the boat in October and that was the start of Playin’ Hooky. I now have four years of experience as a successful business owner as well.
For the past two seasons I have wanted to expand my business to add another boat. Unfortunately, I didn’t know anyone willing to get their license credentials to become my second captain. I had to play the waiting game.
Finally, in the fall of 2023, my first mate Quinn turned 18 years old and agreed to sign up for the course that goes over how to pass the U.S. Coast Guard test to become a licensed captain. I knew I had to find another boat to keep Quinn around and also to help expand.
I reached out to my former boss, Captain Jim Schlegel to see if he’d be interested in selling one of his boats. Not only was he willing to sell one, he was willing to sell his whole business, including both Sea Dog boats.

This was certainly a lot to consider, and after going through a lot of information, logistics, praying, talking with family and especially my wife, I decided to pull the trigger. On April 3rd we sealed the deal and I am now the owner of a three boat charter fishing business on Lake Michigan.
I am trying to take nothing for granted. Although Playin’ Hooky and Sea Dog were both highly successful on their own, I know that it is going to take a lot of effort to continue the tradition of excellence. I view every piece of the puzzle through the lens of my guests. I’m always asking myself in what ways I can improve the experience, from planning and booking to explaining our fishery and the town of Sheboygan to our guests on the trip.
Something that gives me a lot of confidence in this journey is the support I have gotten from my family. My wife, Megan, has given me a lot of insight and assistance navigating the office work and pointers in customer service.

Additionally, I am looking forward to working with Captain Jim again! Owning any boat can be intimidating, but Jim’s mentorship has been invaluable so far in my fishing career. He has helped me many times navigate some difficult decisions regarding boat maintenance. I can say without a doubt that I would not be the fisherman nor have the customer service experience I have today without the guidance of Captain Jim Schlegel. He has taken impeccable care of his two boats and I can’t wait to fish on them again!
I know that this season will be successful in so many ways. Most importantly, memories will be made for my charter fishing guests. Stick around, you’ll be hooked!
-Captain Dave Lutze
Booking a trip online is easy, seamless and secure at www.playinhookyfishing.com/bookatrip. If you ever have any questions or you’d prefer to book over the phone, call or text 920-980-8557.